Endorsement by Stanley W. Jacob, M.D.
Until his Recent Passing, Professor of Surgery, Oregon Health Sciences University Portland, Oregon, USA (read biography)
LEFT: Dr. Stanley Jacob
(Author, The Miracle of MSM. The Natural Solution for Pain)
RIGHT: Dr. Ronald Breteler
(President, KALA Health Enrichment, Inc.)
It is my great privilege and honor to work with Dr. Ron Breteler of KALA Health, Inc. to share with you an amazing nutrient that I have found to be one of the most exciting discoveries of the 20th Century: MSM. MSM is an abbreviation of methylsulfonylmethane, an organic form of naturally-occurring sulfur. It is also known as dimethyl sulfone. This is the form in which sulfur appears in nature in all living organisms, and in which it is biologically active. MSM is found primarily in fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also found in the human body. MSM is a part of the natural sulfur cycle and plays a crucial role in many important functions of the human body which help to maintain good health. MSM has been studied for over twenty years at the Oregon Health Sciences University Hospital in Portland, Oregon. In my medical clinic at the University Hospital, I personally have used MSM with thousands of patients in my practice. A few years ago I published my experiences with MSM in my book “The Miracle of MSM. The Natural Solution for Pain”. This book was published in 1999 in the United States. More recently, I have written a comprehensive review of the science and therapeutics of MSM (“MSM, The Definitive Guide”, 2002) I feel that it is important to discuss an important issue regarding not just MSM, but many of the dietary supplements now available throughout the world. That issue is purity and potency. As MSM has become more popular, there have been many look-alike products that have entered the market. Beware of material that has been adulterated, contaminated or of a lower potency than needed for effectiveness. Some brands appear to have been contaminated with heavy metals, fungi or microbes. Other brands were diluted with epson salt, sometimes by as much as 50%. This concerns me very much because not only can contaminations be harmful for human health, the effectiveness of the MSM is totally dependent on the quality of the materials from which it is manufactured. For this reason, I always recommend a product called “OptiMSM”. OptiMSM is the trade name of MSM produced in the United States by Bergstrom Nutrition, the dedicated MSM manufacturer located in Vancouver, Washington. I have evaluated various brands and I consider OptiMSM the highest quality available. It is the only one that I will use or recommend for my patients. Bergstrom Nutrition (formerly Cardinal Nutrition) was the first commercial supplier of food-grade MSM over a decade ago and they remain the world leader in premium quality MSM. I continue to work with Bergstrom and help guide their research efforts.